Multistakeholder Dialogue on Strengthening Africa’s Civil Society Role in Global Tax Governance
Image courtesy of African Union ECOSOCC.
Image courtesy of African Union ECOSOCC.
Join statement by Mauritius Internet Governance Forum and Internet Society on social media blackout in Mauritius.The Mauritius Internet Governance Forum (MIGF) and the Internet Society strongly urge the Mauritian government not to resort to any form of Internet shutdown, platform throttling, or censorship.
Halley Movement Coalition with Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) host the second African Tobacco Tax Consortium (ATTC) in Mauritius. Press Article as published in the L’Express newspaper
Interview of Halley Movement Secretary General in L’Express newspaper. Les récentes données de Statistics Mauritius révèlent que les femmes sont de plus en plus victimes de violence et sous diverses formes. En 2023, sur 10 101 agressions enregistrées, plus de la moitié, soit 52 %, concernaient des femmes. Plus de la moitié de ces femmes, […]
Le deuxième Internet Governance Forum (IGF), qui s’est déroulé en parallèle avec la quatrième conférence internationale des Petits États Insulaires en Développement (PEID), s’est tenu la semaine dernière à Antigua-et Barbuda. Invité à participer à cet événement organisé par la Caribbean Telecommunications Union, Mahen Busgopaul, responsable du Mauritius IGF, est d’avis que la fracture numérique demeure la barrière principale […]
Interview of Halley Movement Secretary General in L’Express newspaper, speaking about Internet dangers and Mauritius School of Internet Governance. Mahen Busgopaul : «Une coopération étroite nous aidera à protéger nos enfants et nos jeunes sur internet» <<À Maurice, les enfants et les jeunes font face à une multitude de dangers lorsqu’ils naviguent sur internet. […]
Pre Budget Consultation Meeting with Finance Minister 2024 Halley Movement attended the NGOs and Youth/Environment Associations Pre-Budget Consultations for the Financial Year 2024/2025 . Dr the Hon. Renganaden Padayachy, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development hold the consultative meetings with all relevant stakeholders in context of the forthcoming Budget Exercise 2024-2025. The Event took […]
Halley Movement’s Coalition (Mauritius) presented at the OHCHR UPR session in Geneva, November 2023, during the NGO Pre Session. The session targeted ‘Digital Rights in Mauritius’. Halley Movement Speaker, Executive Council Member of Halley Movement Coalition & also consultant of Small Media Project had submitted OHCHR submission. This fundamental submission englobes the following: Mauritius actively engages in the UPR process, […]
Be Brave Movement Mauritius hosted the National Conference in Mauritius on “Ending Childhood Sexual Abuse”. The Conference was held at Halley Movement office, Port Louis, Mauritius, on 20th November 2023.
Halley Movement participated at ‘Awareness Raising &Capacity-Building Workshop on National ECOSOCC Chapters. Deputy Presiding Officer of the African Union ECOSOCC for Eastern Africa making his speech at Capacity-Building Workshop in Mauritius.