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Intergeneration Project

The concept of multiple generations coexisting, highlighting the connections and interactions between people of different age groups.

The Start

Following a research study carried out by Halley Movement in Mauritius and the Indian Ocean islands, it was found our that elderly persons can contribute in various ways to solving problems linked to the family.

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Livret sur l’intergénération

Following the research work the book “Livret sur l’intergénération” was launched.

While the research outcome shows that elderly and young persons rarely work in concert in the community, Halley Movement started a series of workshops and conferences on Intergeneration.

Ideas and information gathered during these sessions and conferences culminated in the production of a booklet on Intergeneration – “Livret sur l’Intergeneration”. This booklet, in the French language, is meant to give a brief insight into the Intergeneration process towards an integration of all generations for harmonious human relationships.

Halley Movement tried to bridge the gap between the generations. Informal meetings and workshops are held across the country involving elderly people and youth to share ideas and practices of the past. This enhances communication in the family, strengthens community values, and prevents young persons from going astray.