Research & Publication
Sharing Knowledge, Driving Change
Research plays an important role at Halley Movement. We believe that through research, we are better prepared to devise policies and measures for the protection of our children.
Research guides us for the need for capacity building of stakeholders working with children such as teachers, & community leaders, and also contributes towards devising an action plan in a preventive way to address current or forthcoming children’s issues.
The NGO’s Technical Team has produced materials since 1990. The materials meant for awareness purposes have been successful all the way throughout in providing useful information to parents, children, caregivers, decision-makers and families on different issues pertaining to child welfare.

Status Report on Online Counselling in Mauritius
‘Future of Counselling Report’ publication by Halley Movement & Internet Child Safety Foundation. This status report aims to enlighten all stakeholders involved in child protection to think towards new trends in counselling.

Booklet on Child Abuse
Child Abuse- A Shared Community Concern’ is the first of a series of community awareness materials. The booklet has two important goals. Firstly, it encourages people to discuss the issue openly and break the silence protecting those who commit the crime. The second goal is to create a climate in which the child victims of abuse feel safer about coming forward for help without being blamed or disbelieved.

The status of Education in the South of the Country
Following a Research Study to determine the current level of education in regions in the south of the country. This report was published. Among the major issues that came to light were that children in these regions tend to drop out of school after failing primary education. It was also found that once they are out of school, they are deprived of basic education and start looking for work. Halley Movement studied ways of involving dropouts into informal teaching.

Empowerment of Elderly in Improving Child Welfare
Halley Movement studied the ways of involving the Elderly in child care in Mauritius and Rodrigues. The result of the study is a report that is based on views collected through a participatory process involving citizens aged between 50 to over 70 years old, from different income groups in both rural and urban communities. The report gives an insight into these communities’ views on child care, some causes of child abuse, the effects of abuse on the lives of children and some strategies on how the elderly may help to alleviate child abuse and also improve child and family welfare.

Livret sur l’intergeneration
The need for this booklet was felt after the publication of the report on ‘Empowerment of Elderly in Improving Child Welfare’. This booklet produced in French language gives a brief insight into the Intergenerational process towards joining all generations for harmonious human relationships. A poster was designed to accompany the ‘Livret Sur L’intergeneration’ so that it could reach a wider audience.