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Engage in training individuals and community with the necessary tools to enhance their capacity to address societal issues and contribute to positive change. By providing education, technical assistance, and support, civil society training empowers communities to actively participate in decision-making processes, advocate for their rights, and implement sustainable development initiatives. 


Training has been instrumental for the running of community based programmes of the organisation. Training programmes of a minimum of three days have been conducted in various fields such as: child abuse and prevention, volunteerism and community work, intergenerational approaches to child welfare, child safety online, young people and entrepreneurship education, teaching marginalised children, etc.

Most of the training programmes have benefited the support of foreign trainers through several embassies and institutions based in Mauritius such as the Australian High Commission in 1990, British High Commission, the Israeli Embassy and South African organisations. UNDP, UNICEF and COI have also supported some training programmes.

Malabar Workshop